New Central List of Cabooses In Oklahoma

New Central List of Cabooses in Oklahoma

We have a new list of cabooses in Oklahoma up now. It has a bit more info, and is being updated as we find or visit cabooses.

The new list builds on the older list, containing just cabooses and updated with information and links for when we found each caboose. A lot of the information was dated (from 2011), and well, things change. I took out the non-caboose info, such as places that only have engines or rail cars. That will help cut down on any confusion or clutter.

I also added Google Maps links to every caboose I could find on Maps, along with their coordinates. That helps A LOT when trying to find these things! You can just click the link, then have Google Maps just give you directions.

Unfortunately there are a still a number of cabooses that we could find that way, so we will have to do it the hard way and visit them. Of course, that is most of the fun, so it is not a hardship. It just takes a little bit more effort!

Anyway, enjoy the list, and let us know if there is anything else we can do to improve the listing.



I am a husband, a Mason, a gamer, a foodie, a world traveler--and a caboose hunter!

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